What others say about us


By Lucca Zeray


open continuously since 1929 until March 2020 (closed due to COVID-19, they have since been using the time closed to redo the interior). The once Norweigan, Scandanavian and Irish 8th ave has obviously gone through a culture shift.

Link: Digest Magazine

Brooklyn’s Sunset Park, built and rebuilt by immigrants


“Lapskaus Boulevard”

Toward the southern edge of Sunset Park, the Soccer Tavern, established in 1929, offers a glimpse of the neighborhood’s past — and future.....Patrons of the bar once cheered the Norway Day parade on its doorstep. Now costumed lion dancers bring them good luck during Chinese New Year.

Link: Los Angeles Times

Get your fill of the World Cup

By NY Times

The Soccer Tavern

One of the numerous places where Worls Cup matches can be viewed.

Your Guide to Sunset Park


The Soccer Tavern

Soccer Tavern in Sunset Park - Interview!

By Lulu_446

Interview with Brendan Farley

I first visited the Soccer Tavern years ago and thought it strange that an Irish bar existed in Chinatown. Only years later did I discover that Brooklyn’s 8th Avenue had a rich history with immigrants from Norway, Italy, Finland, and other parts of Europe settling in the area. In fact, 8th Avenue was once known as Lapskaus Boulevard, named after a popular Norwegian meal. A Norwegian owner opened the Soccer Tavern during Prohibition in 1929 as a speakeasy.


One More Folded Sunset

By Onemorefoldedsunset

Happy St, Patrick's to a grand old bar! The Soccer Tavern

Though the bar has a steady Chinese presence these days, (and apparently is still frequented by a smattering of elderly Scandinavians) it wasn't apparent on this night, with only a couple of Chinese customers, and it felt like the very heart of an older Sunset Park. It's a dim, beer-soaked place, with dark & elaborate cabinetry, and a fine bar. A couple of maps - the world and the States - are up on the walls, and an Irish stock calendar hangs behind the bar. There's a public phone next to the jukebox, and the list of songs hangs from the wall in a well-thumbed book. Its one of the friendliest bars I've ever walked into.

Link: One More Folded Sunset

Get your fill of the World Cup

By Kit Magazine

The Soccer Tavern

Vestige of a Brooklyn neighborhood once predominately Irish, Italian and Scandinavian, was the jandgout for locals following their weekend footie at the " Dust Bowl"

Brooklyn's Best Bars

By Courier Life

Best Bar - The Soccer Tavern

Soccer Tavern is an Irish pub tucked away in the heart of Brooklyn's Chinatown.......The Soccer Tavern encompasses the true spirit if Sunset Park and has become a neighborhood staple for old-timers and newcomers alike, serving the community with a drink and a smile.

Link: Courier Life

Chinatown – Irish And Dive Bars

By Cherie

The Soccer Tavern

This 80 year old bar on 8th Ave was amazingly friendly. Irish bar with an Irish Bartender. He wasn’t as old as the bar, but he had been there for as long as he could be. Great pint of Guiness. The bartender is very proud of his Guiness pour and it was quite lovely. Lots of conversation. Day drinkers can watch game shows with the regulars on a giant screen. We all yelled out the answers together. One block from the subway station. AND the ladies room was clean and stocked!

Link: We Can Tour That

Brogues and Beers

By Scott Enman

Brooklyn’s top 10 Irish bars to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

A favorite gathering place for footy fans, Soccer Tavern, which opened in 1932, showcases English premier league games in the morning on their many TVs. Cozy up to the bar and be sure to order a Guinness sprinkled with green confectionary sugar or a Magners cider. Filled with trophies, dartboards and a jukebox, this no-nonsense watering hole will transport you back to the old days of Brooklyn.

Link: Brooklyn Daily Eagle

An Irish Pub in Brooklyn’s Chinatown

By Liz Chow

Amid the sea of Chinese characters in Sunset Park’s Eighth Avenue, an Irish pub has held its ground despite waves of inward and outward migration.

The owner, Brendan Farley, tells me that “almost nothing changed in here.” Since its first day of business 85 years ago, the wooden bar itself has never been replaced. The walls are covered with old photographs, awards, and memorabilia from years past. Up until last year, the old jukebox picked out actual vinyl records to play for the customers. In a far corner, a coin-operated telephone still rings.......As I open the door and stepped out of what seems like a time tunnel, there are so many impressions of the old days that linger in my mind. Though the whole world outside has changed, the Soccer Tavern has stood the test of time; its survival a testament to its resilience and adaptability.

Link: Open City Magazine

Bar of the Day

by Sunset Park Blogger

The Soccer Tavern on 8th Avenue, Sunset Park

Located on 8th Avenue between 60th and 61st streets, in Brooklyn's Chinatown and surrounded by a sea of Chinese restaurants and stores. It is one of a very few Irish Pub holdouts in our rapidly changing neighborhood. Owned by an Irishman and his Polish wife it is a genuine old style Irish bar. It seems to be doing well and it's still in business. I hope they stick it out..

Link: Sunset Park Blog